Thursday, 5 November 2015

I need a little time ...

I sometimes wonder what the world would be like if everyone adopted a small difference.

Imagine if we all slowed down, just by a fraction.

Our reactions would have time to become responses. Sharp comments that lead to debate might be better understood, or empathically questioned to be better understood, before assumptions set a dispute in motion and it gains pace to a full-blown, no holds-barred, competitive argument.

Understanding another's perspective, as well as our own, is essential in avoiding unnecessary dispute. If we all slowed down, just a little, and kept that change through life, how much quality time would we get back as a consequence of this new way of being, time that would otherwise be lost in argument, together with its emotional and physical effects?

It's ironic to note that slowing down can actually give us time, when we seem to be speeding up and running forward at a break-neck pace through a fear that we don't have enough.

We have one chance to live this life. Daily, we make choices that determine its quality and its impact on others. At the end, our legacy will be what others remember of our presence, our acts, our achievements, our accomplishments, our accolades.

If you want to shape the things you are remembered for, take a small amount of time, right now, to acknowledge that you have the choice to guide that focus. Make the change, and keep it. Otherwise, regret the time you wasted reading this and get back to what you were doing, quickly!