Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Shut Down by the System

You may already be there.
You may be on your way.
It will get you if you let it. 
It could be any day. 

Look around if you're out and about, amongst others. If home alone recount the last time you were in the midst of people going about their everyday stuff.

Do you see it? They operate like robots, avoiding eye contact with us and others they defer to any form of authority to connect: technology, signs, instructions, show your id, stand in line, pay here, wait there.

Despite anthropological evidence showing homo sapiens thrived because we learned to co-operate, modern life is competitive. Beyond the competition to win a new job when many apply, to daily efforts to grab a parking space or get served at the deli counter.

Take a number.

We celebrate the announcement 'you are number 3 in the queue' as it feels like progress.

Given your number.

You are not important, the system is important and it has a place for you. Step in line.

You are a number. 

Forget the warnings of a dystopian future in books and movies, we are already here.

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